Monday, October 26, 2009
Lame betul tak update blog..keadaan yang memaksa mimi tak update blog..cheewahh..
Hari ni mimi nak introduce one new korean drama.. mimi br je start tgk drama ni..after Boys Over Flowers hari tu ni kire second korean drama yg mimi tgk for this year..
Lame plak tak tgk drama korea..drama jepun slalu layan je..

Ok..tajuk drama tu You're Beautiful..the drama is about a famous idol group named A.N JELL.. group ni ade 4 org members..one of the members tu new member named Go Mi Nam..But the real Go Mi Nam has to go away because of his injury.. and his twin sister Go Mi Nyu has to replace his place to join other member Hwang Tae Kyung , Jeremy and Kang Shin Woo..so the drama revolve aroud their behind-the-scene life as an idol plus their personal problems..best gak layan cter ni..coz dorg memang kakkoii!!! and tak heavy sgt and banyak funny part:)Especially Jeremy's character yang agak funny:) Talking about Jeremy,his character played by Lee HongKi..he's from FT Island group and Oya's fav band..( wondering if she still like the group or not..hmmm..)

Drama ni still on going..aiyaaa~~lame nye nak tggu ending..huhuu


Till here..hope korg semua sentiasa happy:)


  1. ulya said...:

    mimi!!! aku pon tgk cite nih!!! sukeeee~~~!!! can't wait 4 the next episode! huhu

  1. Mimi Supandi said...:

    yup yup!!!
    can't wait!!!!!!!
    sweeett sgt!!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    FT Island is still my fave band!

  1. Mimi Supandi said...:

    yeahh I know..tgk ur blog pn da tau<3