Long Friday

Friday, April 17, 2009

good morning Pictures, Images and Photos

I woke up late this morning. Luckily,the first period was English so I don't care much if I entered the class late. But, I still felt quite embarrased because the moment I entered the class, everybody was looking right to me. Ok..And I also came in late for the first class last week!! Thanks to my English teacher because she didn't say anything. Next week I'll try my best to wake up early then=)

Second period is 卒業研究 ( Graduation Studies / Reseach ) until about 4pm this evening. What a long day to go and honestly, I don't have any idea about my research. All I know is that my studies are related to computer programming, logic circuits and it's really give me headache.Help me!!

BUT the best thing is that I can use Internet to the fullest. As I'm doing right now. Writting blog!!

I better ask my lecturer what to do now. Or else I'll die because of boredom. ( hmm.. Can you really die of boredom? idk.. Do tell me if you know.. )


  1. Anonymous said...:

    Kelas English korang camne? Senang tak? Classmates ko terer2 ke English?
    Banyak tanye pulak aku nih. haha

  1. Mimi Supandi said...:

    Kelas English aku ade due..1 english utk TOEIC..TOEIC tu kire cam english test yg ktrg kne amik nnt..pastu yg smalam ni English For Engineers name die..
    Klas English agak sng laa..Dak2 klas ade yg terer gak..tp system jpun ni klu exam hafal je latihan yg wat dlm klas..so everyone can score la..